Transformative Research
The Transformative Research team at the Kempe Center is dedicated to studying ways to improve the lives of children, youth and families.
We have a diverse portfolio of research and evaluation studies that range from preventing child maltreatment, effectively identifying maltreatment and other trauma, strategies for referring and connecting families with treatment, studying effective interventions, implementation science, and examining the impact of service systems on child welfare outcomes. Our goal is to live into a transformational research agenda that boldly incorporates strategies that enhance Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (especially inclusion of family and youth voice) and ensures impact through aligning with advocacy and dissemination.
Clinical & Behavioral Health
The Kempe Center is one of three “hub” sites for the CAPNET Research Network. CAPNET conducts rigorous, multi-center, clinical research to make the care of potentially abused children and their families more effective, safe, and fair. Supported by the National Institutes of Health, CAPNET collects data from 11 leading US pediatric centers on more than 4000 children each year who undergo sub-specialty evaluation for child physical abuse. To learn more, visit:
Program & Service Research
Many of our Evidence-Based and Research Informed Programs have active research and evaluation. Please see these pages for more information.