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Fourth Int’l Child Abuse & Neglect Congress

Professor John Fluke, Kempe’s Faculty, has been invited as a Conference Keynote for the 4th International Child Abuse and Neglect Congress organized by the Confidential Center in Leuven, Belgium on May 23-24, 2024. 

In 2004, the Confidential Center for Child Abuse & Neglect (Vertrouwenscentrum Kindermishandeling, VK) organized its first conference ‘Child Abuse and Neglect: The Facts’ to make a scientific state of the art in knowledge and good practices in tackling child abuse. Twenty years later, not only do we look back at a successful first edition of this conference and the groundbreaking expertise shared then. We also look ahead and share new insights that will shape the field around child abuse in the coming years. Learn more about the event.